John C. Green School of Science
Date of Commission: 1872
Date of Occupancy: 1874
Other Dates in Building's History:
1871: President states that the "Board should take efficient steps to institute a School of Science." (TM, 29 Dec 1871)
1872: John C. Green gives $200,000 for the School of Science. (TM, 20 Sept 1872)
Dec 1872: Foundations laid. (TM, 18 Dec 1872)
1873: ..."in Sept 1873 the academic program was initiated and in 1874 the building was completed." (Selden, Legacy, p. 28)
1877: Addition designed by Edward D. Lindsey, Professor of Architecture at the School of Science.
26/27 Nov 1928: Destroyed by fire.
Architect(s): William Appleton Potter
Donor(s): John Cleve Green
Named for: John Cleve Green
Function: Science Building
Style: High Victorian Gothic