Pyne Library
Other Names: East Pyne, Pyne Administration Building
Date of Commission: 1896
Date of Occupancy: 1897
Other Dates in Building's History:
1948: Until 1948 served as the University's library. With the completion of Firestone Library, Pyne Library becomes the home of various administrative offices.
1950s: Remodeled by Voorhees, Walker, Foley & Smith.
24 Sept 1956: Dedication of Henry B. Thompson (Class of 1877) Court.
1965: Renovated to accomodate offices and classrooms of various language and literature departments.
Architect(s): William Appleton Potter
Donor(s): Mrs. Percy Rivington Pyne
Other Agent(s): Norcross Brothers (builder of); John Massey Rhind (sculptor of)
Materials: Brownstone; Slate
Function: Library; Offices-Administration
Style: Collegiate Gothic