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1914 Yale game in progress
Added yards in time for the 1914 Yale game
Aerial view of campus 19XX
At the peak
By 1897 the station is greatly improved
Coaches in Manhattan (photo circa 1890)
College Football 100th Anniversary Pin
Commencement 1904
First game in the new stadium
Freight takes priority over passengers
Hoboken St. George's Cricket Ground (circa 1870)
Just one special train for the 1947 Brown game
Manhattan Field
More tracks laid near Brokaw Pool
Multiple sidings now serve passenger trains
New station and tracks viewed from the south
Palmer Stadium Pediment
Palmer Stadium under construction in 1914
Pressing a baseball field into service
Princeton Football 25 Years Giving Pin
Princeton Plays Yale on Manhattan Field
Princeton plays Yale
Princeton vs. Harvard 1911
Private railroad car
Rutgers vs Princeton Football Event Pin
Rutgers-Princeton football game
Steam dummy (circa 1870)
The Big Game Comes to Campus
The First "Football Yard"
The end of the yards (Photo 1962?)
The first "team bus"
The tracks are electrified
The view out Paul Cary's room in Witherspoon, circa 1891
Three railroad Map
Trains reversed and ready to take fans home
Upper yard removed for construction of dormitories (Photo 1921)