1953 Beer Jacket
Beer Jacket 1953 Rear

Credit: Nora Odendahl *85 and John Wriedt '85. Permissive license.
Chore coat in off-white cotton twill with stenciled decoration.
The design typifies the dashed line style of many of the logos from the 1940s and 1950s. The feathers in the cap symbolize the class’s accomplishments. The football recalls the undefeated teams in 1950 and 1951. The firecracker stands for the class’s Last Blast parties. The bottle signifies that Princeton won the Big Three championship all four years the Class of 1953 was at the university.
Beer Jacket 1953 Stencil

Credit: John Wriedt '85. Permissive license.
Beer Jacket 1953 Front

Credit: Nora Odendahl *85 and John Wriedt '85. Permissive license.
Credit: John Wriedt '85