The Mystery of the Class of 1874 Montage
Who made this marvelous montage? Where did it hang, before enging up in a thrift shop? Is it unique?

Public Domain - Out of copyright.
Montage of members of the Princeton Class of 1874. 21" by 34". Six montage panels stiched together into three lines. Origin unknown.
Closeup including West

Public Domain - Out of copyright.
Names of class members appear alternatively above and below the figures. West is the left-most figure in this closeup.
The two most famous members of the class of 1874 were Andrew Flemming West, who established the Graduate College, and Alan Marquand, who founded the Department of Art and Archeology. West is shown in the detail above. Marquand is shown, curiously, out of alphabetical order.
Donated by Ms. Janet Moore, a former resident of Princeton, now a volunteer at Saint Margaret's Thrift Shop, Bellevue, Washington.