Oral Histories

Princeton University. Property of the Trustees of Princeton University.
Source: Christine Kitto-Princeton University
The Princetoniana Oral History Project began as a followup to the oral histories compiled for the University's 250th anniversary. The interviews include undergraduate and graduate alums, faculty, and staff, and are focused on their experiences at Princeton and how those experiences subsequently shaped their lives. The collection includes several "sets," including World War II era alums, early alumnae, and former residents of the Butler Apartments. The interviews are conducted in cooperation with the University Archivist, and are part of the permanent historical record of Princeton. Transcripts of some 100 interviews are available via the Princeton University Library online collections (scroll down the left hand column to select a history. Then select the View Content button to read the transcript).
There are many engrossing tales of Princeton contained in these histories. While it is impossible to pick a favorite, the interview of Robert Hollander '55, famed Dante scholar, stands out: a wondrous and highly amusing tale of how a self-described wastrel undergrad went on to become a great scholar and an inspiration to Princeton students for many decades.
Tom Swift '76