1941 Beer Jacket
Beer Jacket 1941 Rear

Credit: Nora Odendahl *85 and John Wriedt '85. Permissive license.
Chore coat in off-white cotton twill with stenciled decoration.
While the United States had not yet entered the war when the Class of 1941 graduated, this design suggests that American participation was just around the corner. The tiger wears a combat helmet and wields a club, ready for battle. He sits on a globe with a fuse, ready to explode. The “4” of “41” forms the nose and mustache of Hitler, while the “1” depicts his eye. Hitler’s hair is also the profile of a grinning Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Despite these ominous signs of the world political situation, the triumphs of Princeton sports teams are not ignored! Three consecutive football wins over Yale are represented by three “X’s” on the battered and bandaged head of the Yale bulldog under the tiger’s paw. The tiger’s tail twists into a “3” to signify the Big 3 championship that fall and the tiger wears a hockey skate to portray the hockey team champs.
Beer Jacket 1941 Front

Credit: Nora Odendahl *85 and John Wriedt '85. Permissive license.
Credit: John Wriedt '85