1930 Beer Jacket
Beer Jacket 1930 Rear

Credit: Nora Odendahl *85 and John Wriedt '85. Permissive license.
Chore coat in off-white cotton twill with stenciled decoration.
1930’s logo was known as “The Perfect Bust.” It memorialized the theft of a Venus de Milo statue from the Art Museum by members of the class. The statue was later found badly damaged. The culprits paid for the damage in pennies. The title is also a sly allusion to the stock market crash in 1929.
Beer Jacket 1930 Stencil

Credit: John Wriedt '85. Permissive license.
Beer Jacket 1930 Front

Credit: Nora Odendahl *85 and John Wriedt '85. Permissive license.
Credit: John Wriedt '85