1933 Beer Jacket
Beer Jacket 1933 Rear

Credit: Nora Odendahl *85 and John Wriedt '85. Permissive license.
The “33” is cleverly disguised as the cow’s udder, meaning there is “no udder class like it.” The tail forms the “9.” Viewers are invited to find the “1.”
Surrounding the cow: a handshake representing the renewal of relations with Harvard; a deflated money bag symbolizing the Great Depression; a football with the initials “M.V. O” meaning “Major Victories: Zero”; and a pennant containing a “P” for Princeton, the initials of John Grier Hibben (the university president), Ken Fairman (an outstanding athlete) or Keen Fitzpatrick, and Herbert O. “Fritz” Crisler (the new football coach),
Beer Jacket 1933 Stencil

Credit: John Wriedt '85. Permissive license.
Beer Jacket 1933 Front

Credit: Nora Odendahl *85 and John Wriedt '85. Permissive license.
Credit: John Wriedt '85