1978 Beer Jacket Decal
Beer Jacket 1978 Decal

Copyright owned by/licensed to Princetoniana Committee. Permissive license.
Decal showing the design of the '78 beer jacket.
The jacket decoration contains the following symbols:
"Cruisin' 78" -- a two-fold reference to both: a) the development of the controversial neutron bomb which could kill people while leaving buildings intact; and b) John Aristotle Phillip's senior thesis project wherein he designed a working atomic bomb relying on publicly available information. The University was besieged by a media circus and FBI agents.
Snow Cover -- a nod to the Blizzard of 78 which shut down the University for the better part of a week. (We used this time to bone up on our poker skills at Tiger Inn.)
"Cheshire Tiger" in the lower part of the 8 -- A smiling Jimmy Carter, elected 1976.
Burning Books to Keep Warm -- Our years at Princeton were book-ended by two oil embargoes. Energy conservation was paramount.
Bid vs. Sign-In -- Reference to the ongoing battle between selective and non-selective / all-male vs. co-ed clubs at the time.
Cane -- We won Cane Spree both as freshmen and sophomores.
Basketball -- A nod to the legacy of the basketball Coach Pete Carrill and Princeton's showing in the National Invitational Tournaments (NIT).
Newspaper with "Resigns" Headline -- There were many political resignations during our years at Princeton. Our freshman week began about three weeks after Nixon resigned.
Source: Paul Laud '78